


The Origins of El Niño and the rise of Peruvian Civilization: The Mollusk that made Jim Richardson’s Career. Carnegie Museum of Natural History. March, 2019

Perú Arquitectura y Espacios Sagrados Universidad de San Martin de Porres. Lima, Perú. 2016

Urban Centers of Caral Civilization. Shady, Machacuay, Novoa, Quispe, Leyva. Zona Arqueológica Caral. December, 2015

The Past in Perspective by Kenneth Feder. Oxford University
Press. New York. 2016.

History of the Third Millennium (fourth edition)  by Patricia Ramos Braick and Mirian Becho Mota.  Moderna Publisher. San Paulo. 2016

An Oasis City by Roger S. Bagnall, Nicola Aravecchia, Raffaella Cribiore, Paola Davoli, Olaf E. Kaper, and Susanna McFadden. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. NYU Press. New York. 2015.

En Samtidig Världshistoria by Maria Sjöberg. Studentlitteratur. Lund, Sweden. 2014

Cities that shaped the Ancient World by John Julius Norwich.  Thames and Hudson, 2014

Inka: Könige der Anden by Doris Kruella and Inés de Castro. Linden Museum. Stuttgart 2014

Prehistory: the Making of the Human Mind  by Colin Renfrew.
The Folio Society, London. 2013

Die Rätselhaften Vorfahren Der Inka by Michael Zick. Konrad Theiss Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart.2011

Caral: the oldest civilization in the Americas: 15 years unveiling its history by Ruth Shady Solís, Marco Machacuay Romero, Daniel Cáceda Gillian, Alder Crispín, Edna Quispe Loayza, and Pedro Novoa Bellota. PEACS/Instituto Nacional de Cultura. 2009

Andean Civilization by Joyce Marcus and Patrick Ryan Williams UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. Los Angeles. 2009

Calumet Focus. Caral: The First Civilization in the Americas. January, 2009.

Caral: La primera civilización de Américathe first civilization in the Americas by Ruth Shady and Christopher Kleihege. 
Universidad de San Martin de Porres Press. Distributed by the University of Chicago Press. Lima. 2008

Other contributions
Numerous photographs have been published in newspapers, magazines and other outlets worldwide, including The Guardian, the New York Post, National Public Radio Online, UNESCO,  El Comerico, ABC, Frankfurter Neue Presse, and by and for the United States Department of State and the Government of Peru. In collaboration with the Theater St. Gallen (Switzerland), photographs were used as a backdrop to Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Alzira. Other photographs have been acquired by companies as varied as Arquitectonica and British Airways




Please note that all photographs are protected under the strictest provisions of U.S. Copyright law.




In 2011,Central Reserve Bank of Perú printed the new 200 Soles banknote with the image of Caral (original image by Chris Kleihege).

In 2014, the Central Reserve Bank of Perú minted the new 1 Sol coin with the image of Caral.

In 2015, the Peruvian Government added a hologram of Caral to its National Identity Card.

In 2008, La Universidad de San Martin de Porres published the first book on Caral, Peru. USMP published the second edition in 2014.

In 2008, La Universidad de San Martin de Porres published the first book on Caral, Peru. USMP published the second edition in 2014.